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Fertility Reflexology

Reflexology can be helpful for men as well as women whilst trying to conceive.  


Reflexology can help by:

    •    Promoting deep mental and physical relaxation

    •    Reducing stress and anxiety levels

    •    Helping the body to work at its optimum level

Reflexology will give you the opportunity to take time out for yourself and an opportunity to be listened to and supported emotionally.

IVF, Fertility and Reflexology

Reflexology can help reduce the stress and anxiety which occurs in the build up to and during IVF/fertility treatment. Reflexology can help calm and relax the body mentally and physically, which in turn will help optimise the chances of IVF/fertility treatment being effective. 


Having someone supporting you as a neutral when you are going through this process can be very beneficial. Our reflexologists have worked with many clients during their careers. Thus enabling them to provide support and empathy along with offering practical advice for a variety of different delicate circumstances.

Bristol Fertility Reflexology Couple's Shadow
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